Let’s Mess With Texas’ Power Market — And Make It Stronger

As the Texas legislature barrels ahead with remedies for preventing deadly blackouts like those that swept the state in February, we still can’t pinpoint the exact points of failure on the Texas power grid and natural gas system. New revelations by ERCOT suggest that early assessments were incorrect. As the facts continue to emerge, we suggest a few market design remedies to improve weatherization incentives. Continue Reading

Winterization and the Texas Blackout: Fail to Prepare? Prepare to Fail

Most places prepare for the cold by protecting their critical infrastructure from freezing up. Texas does not. Lax regulation exposed electricity producers—and their customers—to failures that killed off all four of Texas’ top generating types: natural gas, wind, coal and nuclear. We look at each technology to show what failed. We also show how more cautious jurisdictions routinely deal with the problems that took Texas offline. Continue Reading