Celebrating bicentennials in Latin America

Latin American countries have a shared and common history: Many are now in the midst of commemorating the bicentennial of their independence. Bolivia and Ecuador marked this event in 2009. This year Argentina, Mexico, Colombia and Chile celebrate; followed by Peru, Guatemala and Uruguay in 2021.

The bicentennial offers a rare opportunity of analyzing the present, while considering the remarkable changes that have taken place, both nationally and internationally, since independence and since the celebration of the centennials. This commemoration is a moment to take stock and inventory of what has been gained economically, socially and politically. It is also a time to reflect on the past, the present and the future.

The spring edition of the Americas Project newsletter presents the reflections of six fellows from Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, Mexico and the United States, on the ongoing celebrations in their countries, and as viewed from afar.

The fellows present brief overviews of the history of independence in their countries, pointing out the gains attained, while also reflecting on the battles to establish statehood. Looking toward the future, the fellows analyze the continuing challenges each country faces in offering equal opportunities, sustainable development and freedom; as well as the recurring theme of regional integration. In the end, an as is to be expected in a task such as this one, the questions posed by the authors are an invitation to continue this exercise, this reflection. As one of our fellows states:

“After learning how the government plans to commemorate the bicentennial, after two months of intense reading about the historical context in which the independence movement took place, after multiple conversations on what was gained and lost, and after heated discussions on where we are and where we are headed, there are definitely many more questions than answers for me to share, because there are more than 200 years of history and events of which, in my opinion, we have not truly become aware.”

Download the March 2010 Americas Project newsletter in English and Spanish.

We also invite you to read previous Americas Project publications.

Lisa Guáqueta is the project administrator for the Latin American Initiative at the Baker Institute. Her areas of research interest include the urban dynamics of Latin America, especially the role of cities and local governments in international issues. She studied economics at Universidad Externado de Colombia and holds a master’s degree in international affairs from The New School in New York.