Understanding El Chapo’s transfer to Juarez prison

Joaquín “El Chapo” Guzman’s extradition could be handled differently from other past major kingpin extraditions, which were typically conducted via airplane and airports. At any time, Guzman simply could be driven across the border in the middle of the night to El Paso where he could also stand trial, making Texas a one-stop shop for both his extradition and the first of many potential trials. Continue Reading

Managing the self-defense forces in Michoacán

Today, many analysts view Michoacán as a failed state within a state where the rule of law can no longer be guaranteed by the government. This sad state of affairs has been brewing for over a decade and has deep structural roots. In truth, Michoacán has never been well governed, and the Tierra Caliente region known for its hot climate and fertile agriculture has always produced tough caciques. Unfortunately, in the last few years what once appeared to be a governable avocado and lime basket has proven to be ungovernable. Continue Reading

Mexico must address violence and profitability

Supporting change in the drug prohibition regime could significantly reduce drug cartel profits. As Mexico attempts to improve institutional frameworks to reduce violence, it suffers from the scourge of corruption that in turn hinders these reforms. In this sense, institutional strengthening and drug policy reform cannot be divorced. Peña Nieto has said that he is open to a debate on marijuana legalization, but that he is personally against it. Hopefully he will listen to the numerous voices of leaders in Mexico — such as former President Vicente Fox and Ernesto Zedillo — who are calling for graduated drug policy reforms in Mexico, including decriminalization policies. Continue Reading