The most expensive primary in Texas history

The primary to select the Republican Party’s candidate for the U.S. Senate this year will go down in the record books as the most expensive party primary in Texas history. Through July 11 — that is, 20 days prior to election day — the GOP candidates had already spent $37 million dollars. Particularly given the considerable amount of television advertising time purchased by the campaigns of David Dewhurst (especially) and Ted Cruz in the final weeks of the campaign, it goes without question that the combined expenditures by the GOP candidates’ respective campaigns during the 2012 primary electoral cycle will surpass $45 million, and quite possibly $50 million, by the time the contest is finally wrapped up. Continue Reading

Early voting and projecting turnout in the Texas GOP runoff

Early voting in the Republican and Democratic Party primary runoffs begins on Monday, July 23, and ends on Friday, July 27. As the Texas secretary of state reports in-person early voting and mail-in absentee ballot totals for the 15 most populous counties next week, the data in the figure at left will provide a rough guide to the evolution of early voting turnout in the GOP runoff primary compared to the first round of the primary held in May. They also will supply a tool with which to project the overall level of voter participation in the runoff.

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