Cannabis industry: Enforcing contracts

One of the many problems created by the conflict between federal and state marijuana law is uncertainty in the enforceability of certain contracts. Judges can, and in cannabis cases often do, void contracts for violating federal policy. Investors and entrepreneurs view the risk of federal law superiority and legislative roadblocks as among the greatest challenges faced by the marijuana industry. Continue Reading

The cannabis industry: Critical tasks on the road to legalization

The marijuana industry has grown considerably in the last year, facing challenges from the public, legislators and federal prosecutors along the way. However, the industry has many more critical tasks it must overcome on the road to national legalization. The most important issues it must solve are in the following areas: 1) quality assurance, 2) quality control, 3) public safety, 4) public awareness, and 5) regulatory testing standards. Continue Reading

Snowden, electronic Pearl Harbor and the future of Internet governance

For more than a decade, parties interested in the problem of computer, information or cyber security have warned of a digital doomsday, the electronic Pearl Harbor event. The general prognostication around such event, most recently invoked at the highest levels of the U.S. government at a speech by departing defense secretary Leon Panetta last year, is that society should be concerned by mass disruption of the communications infrastructure and all of the other infrastructure pieces connected to it. If Pearl Harbor was the greatest intelligence failure in U.S. history, then allow us to offer that the Snowden leaks are the greatest intelligence failure our country has seen in the digital age. Continue Reading