A good reason to vote in today’s Texas primary

Baker Institute political science expert Mark P. Jones had an op-ed in this weekend’s Chronicle about the significance of today’s Texas primary.

If you haven’t voted yet, Jones makes a strong case for why you should cast a ballot.

Only one out of every 10 Texans of voting age is expected to participate in the first round of the Democratic and Republican primaries that conclude on Tuesday. This is unfortunate, because due to the prevalence of safe Democratic and Republican legislative seats throughout the state, an overwhelming majority of our elected representatives in Washington, D.C., and Austin are effectively chosen in their party’s respective primary.

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How campaign messages can determine an election

With a national financial crisis and the ongoing European crisis fresh on the minds of U.S. voters, it’s no wonder that so much of the discourse surrounding presidential candidates this election cycle has focused on the economy. In a Feb. 7 presentation to the Baker Institute Student Forum, Lynn Vavreck, associate professor of political science and communication studies at UCLA, demonstrated how candidates’ campaign messages might affect the link between the state of the economy and election results, as demonstrated by several economic forecasting models. Continue Reading

Why you won’t need photo ID to vote in Texas in 2012

Today, the United States Department of Justice (DOJ) refused to grant pre-clearance to the Texas Voter ID law approved by the Texas Legislature and signed into law by Gov. Rick Perry last spring. The law requires voters provide a valid government issued form of photo identification (driver’s license, state issued voter identification card, U.S. passport, concealed weapon permit, military identification) in order to cast a ballot at the polls. Continue Reading