Here’s your chance to learn about the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer

Tonight, the Baker Institute welcomes Nobel laureate Samuel Ting to discuss the Alpha Magnetic Spectrometer (AMS) project, a high-profile, space-based particle physics experiment. The project’s AMS-02, a state-of-the-art particle physics detector, is being constructed, tested and operated by an international team composed of 56 institutes from 16 countries and organized under U.S. Department of Energy sponsorship.

The project is specifically looking for antimatter and dark matter, but as the first magnetic spectrometer in space, AMS has and will collect information from cosmic sources emanating from stars and galaxies millions of light years beyond the Milky Way.

NASA’s Johnson Space Center project office oversees and directs the overall payload integration activities and ensures that the payload is safe and ready for launch on the space shuttle and deployment onto the International Space Station. The AMS project will use the unique environment of space to advance knowledge of the universe and lead to the understanding of its origin.

If you’re interested in attending the event, there is limited space available. There will also be a webcast of the event. Click here for more information.