What do scientists really think about religion?

This evening, Rice sociology professor and Baker Institute Rice scholar Elaine Howard Ecklund, Ph.D., is speaking at the Baker Institute about her new book “Science vs. Religion: What Scientists Really Think.”

The event is full, and no seats are available. But you can still watch online via a live webcast beginning at 7 p.m. The webcast will be archived for later viewing.

You also can follow the Baker Institute’s Twitter account (@BakerInstitute) for live tweets of highlights from the discussion.

Ecklund, who is also director of the Program on Religion and Public Life at Rice’s Institute for Urban Research, surveyed nearly 1,700 scientists, interviewing 275 and centering the book around portraits of 10 representative individuals working in the natural and social sciences at top American research universities. Her respondents run the gamut from a chemist who teaches a Sunday School class to a physicist who chose not to believe in God well before he decided to become a scientist.

With broad implications for education, science funding and the thorny ethical questions surrounding stem cell research, evolution and other cutting-edge scientific research, “Science vs. Religion” offers a welcome dose of reality to the science and religion debates.

Read Ecklund’s March 30 blog post about the debate on science and religion.