The crucial role of women in the Syrian uprising

BI-image-SyrianWomenBlog-070213The Arab Spring has propelled a new wave of activism among women throughout the Middle East and North Africa. Like their male counterparts, Arab women from across the region took to the streets to demand an end to tyranny and a new era of freedom and democracy. Unlike their male counterparts, however, these women brought forth grievances from decades of inequality and failed protection of women’s rights. In Syria, women leaders remain less visible than in their fellow Arab Spring nations, yet many continue to fight for a better future, both for their country and for their Syrian sisters.

Unlike countries like Egypt and Yemen, where women fighting for gender equality and protection of women rights emerged on the global stage, Syria’s women have remained largely out of the limelight. Due largely to the brutality of a regime that uses rape as a weapon, many women in Syria have been silenced or forced into hiding. Despite these struggles, many Syrian women have planted their own footprints. Suhair Atassi, for one, currently serves as co-vice president for the Syrian National Coalition — the leading political opposition group in Syria. In her capacity as president of the coalition’s Assistance Coordination Unit, Atassi has spearheaded efforts to bring humanitarian assistance to the thousands fighting and dying in Syria.

Other prominent female figures inside Syria have utilized social media to raise awareness both for the Syrian crisis and their personal struggles. Razan Ghazzawi, for one, uses her blog to share stories from inside Syria, despite the risk of retaliation from the brutal regime. Before going into hiding, human rights lawyer Razan Zaitounna used her website, Syrian Human Rights Information Link, to report the atrocities she witnessed and bring international attention to the human rights disaster in Syria. Fadwa Suleiman used her microphone as a famous Syrian actress to not only lead demonstrations on the ground, but also broadcast YouTube monologues that defend the opposition movement. Countless other women have also taken to Twitter, Facebook, YouTube and other forms of social media platforms to show the world what is happening in Syria and urge the international community to assist the opposition. Many women who support Syrian President Bashar al-Assad have done the same.

While Syria boasts its own list of local heroines, most of the women participating in the fight remain outside of the spotlight. Many less prominent Syrian women have stood at the front lines of protests alongside their male counterparts, and some staged women-organized sit-ins during the early days of the revolution. Others risk their lives smuggling weapons into Syria, and some help construct makeshift bombs in their own homes. Pro-regime women have gone so far as to create their own paramilitary fighting troop: the Lionesses of Syria, which boasts as many as 500 female fighters. (It may be useful to note that al-Assad’s surname means “lion” in Arabic). A similar force of 150 mostly Kurdish women has recently formed the katiba, or battalion, that reportedly fights alongside the Free Syrian Army.

A majority of women in the opposition, however, have taken on more traditional roles. In a recent interview, Malak Chabkoun — a Syrian-American who serves as the spokeswoman for Shaam News Network-English and has traveled to Turkey to assist with Syrian humanitarian efforts — explained that many women in Syria have helped harbor Free Syrian Army soldiers in their homes, providing food and shelter for the rebel fighters. One of the most important roles women have assumed, she explained, is taking care of the hundreds of thousands of wounded fighters and civilians — men, women and children. Women volunteer their time and risk their lives to serve at both makeshift and field hospitals — facilities often targeted during aerial bombardments. In another critical effort, many women have worked tirelessly to transport and provide humanitarian aid to some of the most war-stricken regions in Syria.

Despite female activism, women’s rights in Syria still have a long way to go. In fact, the rise of Islamists in country has instilled some women, especially those who support the more secular President Assad, with a newfound fear that the revolution may lead to a step backward for women’s rights. Moreover, women remain underrepresented in the Syrian National Coalition, holding only eight of 114 total seats. Despite these potential setbacks, women have taken advantage of the currently attentive media to raise awareness of their issues. In addition, Chabkoun explains that female empowerment programs developed in refugee camps specifically for women have been a step in the right direction. She explained that these programs provide women with sewing and knitting materials to produce handcrafted goods for sale, allowing women to care for their families while their husbands are often fighting in Syria. Chabkoun believes that, ultimately, the more women participate alongside men in their struggle for a “free Syria,” the greater the chance for a state with true equal rights based on gender equality.

Whether on the battleground fighting alongside men, in their homes aiding soldiers, or in makeshift hospitals dodging bombs and bullets, women in Syria have undoubtedly played a major role in the Syrian revolution. As the battle continues, these unsung heroes will continue to make their stand alongside men. However, women must be better represented in the political opposition, and the international community must relay the importance of women’s rights to the Coalition to ensure that, once the war drum stops beating, women will stand equally beside men.

Dina Shahrokhi is a research associate for the Middle East at the Baker Institute. Shahrokhi previously worked as a project coordinator at the United Nations Works and Relief Agency for Palestine Refugees in Damascus. She lived and worked in Syria during the first year of the revolution from 2011 to 2012. Shahrokhi’s research currently focuses on U.S. policy in Syria, and she is a regular contributor for Syria Deeply, where she hosts a weekly column that focuses on life in Syria before and after the revolution. Follow her on Twitter at @dshahrokhi.