From left, British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher, Secretary of State James A. Baker, III, and President George H.W. Bush
Former Secretary of State and Baker Institute Honorary Chair James A. Baker, III, today released the following statement on the passing of former British Prime Minister Margaret Thatcher:
“The United Kingdom lost a strong leader, the United States lost a great friend and the world lost a powerful voice today with the passing of Margaret Thatcher. Mikhail Gorbachev rightly called her the ‘Iron Lady,’ and she was that, correcting her country’s labor woes and implementing a resolute vision that helped lead to the peaceful end of the Cold War. She could charm and persuade her adversaries whenever possible, but also knew how to cower them when needed. Margaret Thatcher was an extraordinary leader who led by example, a strong prime minister who was superb in dealing with the intersection of politics and public policy.”