Alaska: To drill or not to drill?

While oil money constitutes an overwhelming majority of the Alaska’s revenue — 92 percent in 2011 — hydrocarbon development brings with it significant challenges. Scientists estimate the Arctic warms twice as fast as the rest of the planet. Nowhere is that more apparent than present-day Alaska, where the effects of climate change ravage the state: the permanently frozen layer of soil, permafrost, is thawing, damaging  infrastructure and forcing coastal communities to relocate. Native Alaskans fear that oil drilling — and worse, a potential spill — would destroy their livelihood, while also recognizing that oil revenue built many of their schools, roads and hospitals.

Without a proper response to these questions, could Alaska become — or has it already become — a resource-cursed state.

A team of Baker Institute Energy Forum fellows and interns is currently on a month-long research trip to Alaska to explore the impact of Arctic drilling on people and the environment. Follow their adventures as they blog ( about meetings with scientists, industry representatives, activists, Native peoples and policymakers.