The first time I walked into the James A. Baker III Institute for Public Policy was on the first day of class of my freshman year. I’d spent the last 30 minutes racing around campus trying to find the building, and finally stumbled upon my destination. As I made a vain attempt to make it to class on time, I saw what looked like a concrete block (“modern art” I thought, rolling my eyes) that some vandal had defaced with spray paint. I found out later when telling a senior about the seemingly random “art piece” that it was, in fact, something with a bit more history: It had been part of the Berlin Wall, which came down in 1989 when Mr. Baker was U.S. secretary of state.

Tom Campbell, with hand raised, at a student meeting with Robert O. Blake, Jr., assistant secretary of state for South and Central Asian affairs, in January.
Since then, I like to tell myself I’ve wised up, or at least learned to keep my mouth shut when I don’t know what I’m talking about. Some of that is undoubtedly due to the subsequent work, frustration and hard-won success that is the college experience. But a large part of the education I’ve been gifted with has come from four years of experience as an intern at the Baker Institute.
In my time here, I’ve had the chance to meet and speak to the movers and shakers of the world. Presidents, prime ministers, admirals and businessmen have all come through these doors and, thanks to this job, I’ve had the chance to sit down with a number of them. How many students can say they’ve had lunch with New York Times columnist Tom Friedman or shaken John McCain’s hand, to just name a few memorable moments. Through these and other interactions my understanding of, and interest in, the issues we confront every day in today’s world have only gotten the chance to grow. At the same time, I’ve come to see such public figures not as remote and inaccessible, but as as human beings making difficult choices in a difficult world.
Over the past several years, I’ve also been lucky enough to help create and eventually lead the Public Diplomacy and Global Policymaking program at the Baker Institute. Our student-led program, which focuses on generating better policy decisions through interpersonal and cultural interactions between student leaders at Rice and The American University in Cairo, has been one of the best experiences of my college career. The chance to truly experience the Middle East firsthand and to show visiting Egyptian students something of American culture over a plate of fajitas were amazing opportunities. Throughout, not only did I learn more about Egypt and its people, but I also gained a greater understanding of what it means to take initiative and to lead — and the responsibilities that come with both.
Some of the most valuable takeaways from my four years here aren’t just related to meeting public figures or taking trips abroad. They are also the product of diligent effort in an office — work that is both enjoyable and meaningful. Being able to contribute and take part in the important work done here is something I’ve been truly proud of, even if sometimes it’s just through something like making a pot of coffee or checking off names on a guest list.
So what have I learned at the Baker Institute at the end of my tenure here as an intern? The importance of hard work, knowledge of the wider issues of our world, and even a few lessons on what being a leader means are a few things that spring to mind. I also got a glimpse into what being a contributing and thoughtful adult requires in today’s world, and perhaps learned to be a little less judgmental — after all, you never know when you’re turning up your nose at the Berlin Wall.
Tom Campbell graduated from Rice University last Saturday with a degree in history. As a recipient of the Charles Garside, Jr. Prize in history, Campbell will spend the summer studying the International Court of Justice in The Hague, Netherlands. He starts a new job as an energy analyst in the fall.