The”Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act”: A no-brainer for Congress

It’s time for the reauthorization of the Child Nutrition Act, which covers (in part) the provision of funds and nutrition regulations for public school breakfast and lunches. The act, also known as the “Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act,” is bipartisan and fully paid for. The Senate has already passed the act, and now the House must move before September 30 to pass it. The act provides additional funds to schools to support the expansion of nutritional regulations — something that has been lacking in the past. We can hardly expect our schools to tighten up standards and provide more fresh fruits and vegetables without also allocating them the necessary funds to do so.

The bill also increases the number of children eligible to receive free or reduced lunch, expands summer food programs for low-income children, and requires the nutritional guidelines for school meals to be based on scientific recommendations.

The Houston Independent School District (HISD) already works hard to meet the needs of its largely low-income public school population. The First Class Breakfast program, which provides breakfast in the classroom to all children who want it, eliminates the necessity for children to arrive at school by 7:30 in order to eat before class, and ensures that every child who wants one can have a free breakfast. In addition, HISD has one of the most expansive summer food programs in the country, which goes a long way towards alleviating hunger in the Houston community while children are out of school. Finally, HISD has been working to improve nutritional standards for meals, although most would agree there is more work to be done. The Healthy, Hunger-Free Kids Act will aid HISD and school districts around the country in making more progress toward improving school meals.

It is in everyone’s interest that the children in our public schools are fed healthy, nourishing foods. Studies show that children with full bellies learn more, are better behaved and enjoy school more. Although many nutrition and child advocates are disappointed that the bill doesn’t go further, it is a huge improvement over current funding and standards for school meals and should be passed as soon as possible.

Rachel Tolbert Kimbro is an assistant professor of sociology at Rice University and a Rice scholar at the Baker Institute.